Monday, March 12, 2012

Be a Localvore!

 (happy veggies)

(factory farm veggies)

I am a localvore.

A what?!  A localvore is a person who loves to eat locally grown & produced food.  This is important for several reasons:
  • HEALTH: food can easily be locally grown without yucky pesticides, preservatives, & processing
  • ECONOMY: eating local keeps money local & supports our community farmers
  • RESOURCES: natural resources are saved when we our food doesn't travel across the world 
    • The average American meal travels an estimated 1500 miles from farm to plate. 
  • SAFETY: food is not mass-produced on factory farms & is less likely to cause illness outbreaks
  • YUMMY: it is more fresh & tastes delicious!!!

 (happy cows)

(factory farm cows)

If food is not produced locally, chances are high that you are buying from factory farms that use lots of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, and preservatives to mass produce the veggies/fruit/meat/dairy.  Yuck!
How do you GET local food, you may wonder?  The Farmer's Market is a wonderful place where local farmers gather to sell their goods.  This takes grocery shopping to a whole new level!  Music, free samples, lots of smiles, and amazing food are everywhere.  From organic cheese and eggs to every kind of vegetable you love (and some you've never heard of!) to fruit, honey, syrup, aromatherapy, yarn, baked goods... you name it, the Farmer's Market has it!

Seacoast Eat Local hosts Farmer's Markets at the Wentworth Greenhouse in Rollinsford, NH on specific winter dates and then every weekend during the summer.  Check out their website for more info on Farmer's Market locations across Strafford, Rockingham, & York counties in NH & ME.
(happy chickens)

(factory farm chickens)

Another way to get local food- last summer, I lived in an apartment and was so busy.  There was no way I could grow my own food!  I joined a CSA to solve this problem.  A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is basically paying for a share in a local farm in return for organic produce.  Some CSAs deliver weekly, some monthly.  Some include eggs and meat, some don't.  There are many varieties of CSAs.  I was NEVER short on veggies last summer, and I split my "small share" CSA with three people!  For a list of CSAs in your area, check out the Seacoast Eat Local.

Want local soup?  Check out The Soup Guy for some amazingly yummy chili, soups, and breakfast concoctions available at the Farmer's Market!

Want local yogurt?  Stonyfield Farms can be purchased at any grocery store!  These yogurts are made from organic milk produced on local New England farms.  How cool is that?

I hope this has inspired you to eat locally produced, delicious, healthy food from your community farms!

PS  If you are interested in learning more, check out the documentary Food Inc.  AMAZING.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Protein Power

I have received several requests for a PROTEIN SHAKE blog.  Selecting a protein powder can be frightening.  There are LOTS of choices!  I'll teach you about my favorite and you can try it for yourself. 

In my opinion, Spiru-tein is the best protein shake out there.  It tastes great, has fabulously nutritious REAL ingredients, and is loaded with vitamins and protein.  This blend of rice, pea, and soy protein is 100% vegetarian-friendly- a bonus for me!

Let's break it down with a brief examination of my fave, the Cappuccino flavor... (yum!)

  •  14g Protein is in the powder alone- this makes for a whopping 20g of protein when mixed with 1 cup of Silk soymilk or skim milk. 
  • 11g Carbs- 17g carbs when mixed with soy/skim!
  • 100 Calories- 190 calories when mixed with soy/skim!
  • Calcium- 30% of your daily value PLUS the calcium in your milk = almost a whole day of calcium requirements!
  • Biotin- healthy skin and hair!
  • Iron- 25% of your daily need!
  • 100% of your daily requirements of Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K!!!
  • Magnesium & Potassium- necessary for body functioning

 As you can see, Spiru-tein is super nutritious.  While I mentioned that my fave is the Cappuccino flavor, there is a wide variety of shakes to choose from.  Feeling fruity?  Black Cherry Chocolate, Nutty Berry Burst, Peaches and Cream, Strawberry Shortcake, Blueberry Cream, Banana... choices galore!  Feeling like dessert?  Try some Chocolate, Vanilla, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cookie Dough, Cookies n' Cream.  Want to feel like you are on vacation?  Pina Colada!  Camping?  S'mores!  Holiday season?  Egg Nog!  They also make Chai Latte flavor.  YUM!  So many choices.

To make a delicious shake, combine the powder with milk or water in a blender bottle (see above) or add the protein powder to a smoothie.  Great breakfast or after your workout!

For a free sample, register at and ask for one.
To purchase some you can order online, visit your local health food store, or look for Spiru-tein at the Vitamin Shoppe/GNC.

Hope this helps.  Stay fit!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Nutty about the Neti

It finally feels like winter here in New Hampshire!  The fireplace is going, I went snow-shoeing (see picture above!), I had to shovel my car (which is now dead) out of a mound of snow... oh, and I am SICK.  Nothing major.  Just your typical stuffy nose, sore throat, congested and icky feeling.  I can't breathe either.  No big deal.

If you are like most people, you probably catch a cold a few times a year.  I am not like most people.  I usually DON'T catch a cold.  When I do catch a cold, I have a speedy recovery.  I owe this to my NETI POT!

What is a neti pot?  Basically a neti pot (I know this sounds gross) is a form of nasal irrigation.  Ew.  Yucky.  But doesn't it make sense?  The only way to get un-congested and un-stuffy is to irrigate the stuffiness and let it come out.  It is common sense. 

If you are interested in being able to breathe again, go purchase a neti pot from a pharmacy, the health care section of a grocery store, or a health food store.  It looks like a little Aladdin lamp.  Neti pots typically come with a few packets of saline solution, or you can just throw some salt in warm water to mix yourself.  Once your pot is filled with warm water, stick it in your nose and tip your head sideways.  Water will go in one nostril and out the other.  SO COOL!  Blow your nose several times while you do this and repeat a few times on each side.  You will be amazed at the nasty stuff that comes out of your nose.  I used the neti pot at Miss USA and had eye makeup coming out of my nose.  Seriously.  It was gross.

Using a neti pot takes some trial and error.  You may end up getting water in some uncomfortable places until you perfect the technique.  Patience!  It is worth it.  Neti pots are also great for allergies.  Clear out those allergens and all that mucous so you can breathe again! 

PS Try not to do it in front of people or they will laugh at you, then you will laugh and choke on the water. 

(this person needs to use their neti pot!)